Caregiver in Chapel Hill NC

Safety Tips for During a Power Outage

Caregiver in Chapel Hill NC September is National Preparedness Month. This is the ideal opportunity for you as a caregiver to ensure that your aging parent has the proper preparations in place to help them through potentially dangerous situations such as weather emergencies and other disasters. One of the most common issues that occur during [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:31:33-04:00August 25, 2016|Categories: Injury Prevention & Home Safety|Tags: |

5 Ways You Contribute to Your Social Isolation as a Caregiver

Social isolation is one of the big issues that can lead to caregiver stress. If you're not allowing yourself to have normal social interactions, you're stagnating and it takes away from what you can give your loved one emotionally. Here are some ways that you could be making the situation worse without realizing it. You [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:31:44-04:00March 17, 2016|Categories: Caregiver Wellness & Tips|Tags: , |
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